Membership FAQ

Where can I apply for membership?

Please visit our PRODUCTS PAGE.

What is the difference between Regular and Associate Memberships?

Associate members do not have the right to vote or hold office. All other benefits are the same.

Are all Regular Members eligible to hold office?

No, according to the bylaws:

3.4.1  To qualify to serve on the Board of Directors as a Director of the Corporation, Regular Members must meet the following criteria:  Must be either Fulltime Law Enforcement or Government Personnel or Former Fulltime Law Enforcement or Government Personnel;  Must have successfully completed the IACIS Basic Computer Forensic Examiner (BCFE) training course;  Must hold a current Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE) certification; and  Must be considered a Regular Member in good standing.

If I am a Regular Member and retire or leave government employee, will I lose my Regular Member status?

No, if you received your Regular Member status because you were a government employee you will maintain that status upon leaving that employment.

If I became Regular Member as a fulltime government contractor and no longer am assigned to a government agency will I remain a Regular Member?

According to bylaws, if you are no longer a contractor for a government agency your status will change to Associate Member.

Do educational institutions qualify as government agencies for Regular Membership?

No, educational institutions while they may technically be government institutions, they do not qualify for Regular Membership.

Do all potential membership have to under go a background check?

No, currently all applicants for associate membership and any former government employee applying for Regular Membership must undergo a criminal background check, this is because current government employees and contractors have checks run for employment.

Will I have to pay extra for the background check?

No, this is included in the application fee.

If I miss paying my dues one year can I still renew?

If you missed your dues deadline at the end of the calendar year, you will have a 30 day grace period to renew your membership at the reduced renewal rate. If you miss the 30 grace period deadline you will have to renew at the full purchase price for your membership category.